CORONAVIRUS: Year 10 pupils at Boston High School sent home for two weeks after confirmed positive case

Case confimed at Boston High SchoolCase confimed at Boston High School
Case confimed at Boston High School
Students in Year 10 at Boston High School have been told to isolate at home for two weeks after a confirmed positive Coronavirus case.

The school is one of 25 across the county that has active cases recorded at the moment.

The school said today that the student concerned is safe and well at home, and all the Year 10 students were being supported by online provision.

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The students have been told to stay at home until October 12.

No other year groups have been affected and the school says no teaching staff have needed to isolate.

Headteacher Andrew Fulbrook told the Standard: “I can confirm that, sadly, we have recorded the first case of a positive Coronavirus test amongst our student body.

“The single confirmed positive student case is within our Y10 cohort Bubble. The student concerned is safe at home and is well, thankfully.

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“We are supporting all of our Y10 students at home through online provision, teaching and learning. Furthermore, we will also ensure we monitor, and are available for, all welfare, safeguarding and well-being needs.

Through adherence to the Department of Education guidelines throughout, we have operated year group bubbles across Years 7-11 and an additional Sixth Form Bubble/s.

“Therefore, following DfE and Lincolnshire County Council Public Health Team advice, we have informed our Y10 student to isolate at home until the 12th October.

“No other year groups are affected and all other students, in all other years, are in school as normal and are being taught in their Year Bubbles. Additionally, because we have applied strict and safe procedures for teaching colleagues and support staff, we do not need to isolate teaching staff.

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“Due to the fact that we have operated Year Bubbles, we are confident that our school is as safe as possible for all others.

“Of course, it goes without saying that, as headteacher, I did not want to take the decision to send any students home. However, we had no option under these circumstances and, as with all of our actions to date, we have prioritised safety first. In conclusion, the decision was made, and was taken, in order to do all we possibly can to minimise risk.

“I should like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our community for their understanding, diligence, and support. Especially those students, parents, carers in Y10 who will be frustrated and anxious at the prospect of isolation. I want to reiterate that they have our full support at all times.”