Council tax goes up to help fund regeneration of Gainsborough

Coun Jeff Summers, leader of West Lindsey District Council.Coun Jeff Summers, leader of West Lindsey District Council.
Coun Jeff Summers, leader of West Lindsey District Council.
Council tax is to go up to help fund the continued regeneration of Gainsborough by West Lindsey Council.

In unveiling a vision of the future for the district, the council revealed a capital investment plan totalling £37 million for the next five years. And £5 million of that is to go towards the revival of Gainsborough through a development partner.

However, at the same time, the council announced that it had approved a council tax increase of 2.99 per cent for 2019/20.

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This means the annual bill for an average Band D property of £207.27 will rise to £213.47, which equates to £6.20, or 12p per week.