District council ‘tyred’ of flytipping

A spate of old tyres being dumped across the East Lindsey district has led to an appeal for information by the district council.
A spate of old tyres being dumped across the East Lindsey district has led to an appeal for information by the district council. EMN-210612-162956001A spate of old tyres being dumped across the East Lindsey district has led to an appeal for information by the district council. EMN-210612-162956001
A spate of old tyres being dumped across the East Lindsey district has led to an appeal for information by the district council. EMN-210612-162956001

A spokesman for East Lindsey District Council (ELDC) said that large number of tyres have been fly-tipped in East Lindsey over the past few weeks, which appear to have been dumped from a lorry or a large van so it’s no random fly-tip, it’s organised and planned crime.

The spokesman said: “As we are all aware, fly-tipping is a major problem in the county, whether it is in towns and cities or the countryside.

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“It is a disgusting thing to do. Fly-tipping harms the environment and costs taxpayers millions of pounds each year to deal with – money which could otherwise be spent on things like schools and hospitals.”