Mother tells of continual torment after son commits suicide following horrors of military service in Afghanistan

Every day June Black apologises to her son Aaron while looking at a photograph of him in his military uniform.
Veteran Aaron Black, is just one of the many veterans who suffered from PTSD after service.Veteran Aaron Black, is just one of the many veterans who suffered from PTSD after service.
Veteran Aaron Black, is just one of the many veterans who suffered from PTSD after service.

“Sorry for not letting you use my computer and telling you to go and use your mate’s, sorry for not doing your washing that time you asked me, sorry for not knowing what you were going through, sorry for not coming to collect you when you were on a night out, sorry for not helping you when you needed me....”

The continual torment of the bereaved who have nothing to torture themselves about, but who live with regrets every single day of their lives.

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Twenty-two-year old Aaron Black, a Black Watch soldier, took his own life just before Christmas in December 2011 while suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stemming from the horrors, including a horrific explosion in which a friend was killed, he witnessed while serving in Afghanistan.

June Black, mother of Aaron BlackJune Black, mother of Aaron Black
June Black, mother of Aaron Black

RELATED:Urgent review needed into how MOD records ‘increasing’ veteran suicide rateHis mother had been unaware that Aaron, who left the army seven months previously, had been diagnosed as suffering from PTSD - while in the services - until she discovered what she describes as a “watered down” version army medical records, some marked “confidential” - in his flat following his death.

It was only later when Ms Black managed to obtain more of his army medical records that she found out he had made previous suicide attempts and “continued to have suicidal thinking” while still serving in the Black Watch after his return from Afghanistan.

"I dont want any other mother to go through this"

“The records show Aaron was to be referred to mental health social worker at RAF Leuchars before he left the army. Aaron’s case was never followed up.”

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